Presentation Description
Erin speaks to Indigenous mental health services at the Prince George Native Friendship Centre, with a focus on mental health for very young children.
Key Resources
Follow Dr Vanessa Lapointe on Facebook – she shares some free inspiration and resources as well as paid resources
Follow Northern Attachment Network on Facebook – shares quotes, articles, events and inspiration for caregivers
Visit Anxiety Canada for caregiver resources like this one: CARD-for-Parents-and-Caregivers.pdf (
Presenter Bio
Erin Anderlini lives in Prince George with her partner and children; and is an adoptive and foster parent. She is the Health Director at the Prince George Native Friendship Centre, and the President of Central Interior Native Health Society. Within her portfolio are the Native Healing Centre, Aboriginal Child and Youth Wellness, Family Law Advocate, Aboriginal Victim Services and Emergency Resource programs. She holds a Master’s Degree in Counselling, is a registered Clinical Counsellor, a certified Play Therapist; and is a facilitator for Mental Health First Aid – First Nations.
Will your early mental health play therapies see children from other communities? If yes, how do we refer?
Thank you so much for this amazing information and all the support you give to our community!