Early Learning and Care and Education (school) have different histories and mandates. Child care emerged to provide care for children when their parents were not able to whereas schools were created to contribute to a child’s educational journey. In many regions, education is universally available whereas child care is not (yet). This video will briefly examine the split between the two systems and how BC’s is moving towards the integration of early learning and care and education.
For more information on early learning and care and education visit:
- Early Childhood Education Report http://ecereport.ca/en/
- ECEBC: $10 a day plan https://www.ecebc.ca/sector-initiatives/10-dollar-day-child-care-plan
- Early Years Study 4: Thriving Kids, Thriving Society https://earlyyearsstudy.ca/
Presenter Bio
Andrea Maurice, is the mother of three and has been involved in early years education for the last two decades. Andrea has been a child care provider, a kindergarten teacher and most currently is the Early Learning Coordinator for SD No. 57. She is passionate about both early learning and care and education.